Humor – There is a Place for it During Rehearsals!

Basically, encourage your students to have fun with music and with your class. When I surveyed my students, the vast majority said that their favorite thing about my class was my crazy stories. And I actually don’t tell them all that often, but students remember them. This brings them back day after day for another taste of our favorite thing in the world: music!

Private Teacher/Public Teacher Hostility

So… to sum up my rather whiny post… We must all be open to learning from one another, to experiencing that of a friend, and to welcoming new ideas. We must be aware of a negative attitude we might sometimes portray, for this negativity gives an impression of hostility and a mind trapped in a cage.

Makin’ Music in Juvie

In some cases, the students even were able to re-define themselves instead of as “criminal,” into “musician.” One of the inmates even said, “Instead of getting in trouble, just sitting there and play tunes, and stuff.” One student was so effected that he went so far as to dream about “helping out in the community, yeah. Helping other people learn music. Yeah, teach them,”

My 2015 Role Model – Julia Ettie Crane

Recognizing the need for an authentic classroom setting, Crane created a model classroom in which all of her students practiced music teaching.[7] This classroom gave students the balance between musicianship and educational pedagogy which she sought. Crane’s beliefs on Music Education are still prevalent today.